Care Leavers and Vulnerable Students
We are committed to ensuring that our looked after children, care leavers and vulnerable students receive the best opportunities and support to succeed in achieving their aims.
We aim to offer each young person whether identified as looked after, as having caring responsibilities within the home, is a teenage parent or who is supported by the youth offending team, personalised support which may include:
- Acting as an advocate
- Advice and Guidance with a dedicated member of staff whilst studying including Progression Support, Careers Guidance including Higher Education Transitional Support
- Collaborative working with external agencies including the relevant Local Authority and key professionals
- Contribution to their Personal Education Plan
- Counselling and personal support
- Enrichment Opportunities
- Financial Support and advice including bursary, travel pass and free meals
- Guidance for Higher Education including financial advice
- Named Safeguarding Officers for support
- One to one support sessions with Progress Tutors
- Outreach work
- Pre application help and transition support
- Retention support from a Student Engagement Officer
- Supporting and accessing specialist services
For more information, please contact The Student Hub.
The Student Hub
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Term time
Monday 8.15am – 5.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.15am- 7.00pm
Friday 8.15am – 4.00pm
Outside Term time
Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm
What to expect as a student

Student Support
Whatever support you need; we have dedicated support teams available to help you while you study with us.

At Southport College we want your time at College to be as enjoyable and successful as possible. In order to ensure this, keeping you safe is our top priority.

Equality & Diversity
Southport College is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment that offers equal opportunities to all.