In an Emergency
Emergencies can come in all forms, whether it's yourself or somebody else, here are the organisations to contact.
In a mental health emergency: go to A&E or your GP
If you are in crisis or have thoughts about harming yourself or someone else call 999 for an ambulance or go to your nearest Accident & Emergency department.
If it’s not an emergency but you are feeling unwell and want advice and support, get in touch with your GP, who will talk it through with you and may refer you to someone else who can give you specialist help.
Call Samaritans on 116 123
or email jo@samaritans.org
NHS Mental Health Crisis Line
Police - Non-emergency situations
Call 101 - Non-Emergency Police
Police - In an emergency situation
Call 999 - Police Emergency
Sefton CAMHs
Sefton CAMHs
CAMHs Crisis Numbers:
Sefton - 0151 293 3577 or
West Lancashire - 01695 684 262
Concerned about a child?
Contact Sefton Council on 0345 140 0845 between 9am and 5pm.
Contact the emergency duty team on 0151 934 3555 for urgent advice outside of office hours, from 5.30 pm Mon to Thurs, and 4 pm Friday.
Concerned about an adult?
If you have a concern you can make a referral to Sefton Council on 0151 934 3737 (an operator will take some brief details so that you can receive a call back from adult social care). For more information on safeguarding adults please visit Sefton Council website.
Adult Mental Health Crisis teams:
Liverpool & Sefton – 0800 051 1508
West Lancashire - 01695 684356

Recommended Organisations
Please visit the following charities and organisations for expert help, guidance and reassurance.
CALM - Campaign Against Living Miserably
Campaign Against Living Miserably
A registered charity, which exists to prevent male suicide in the UK. Call CALM on 0800 58 58 58
A free, private, and confidential service where you can talk about anything. They are there for you online or via the phone, anytime.
"Give us a Shout"
Give us a Shout
A free, confidential 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need in-the-moment support.
Heads Above the Waves
Heads Above the Waves
An organisation raising awareness of depression and self-harm in young people. They help to promote positive, creative ways of dealing with the bad days.
An online mental health wellbeing community, the team are there to provide free, safe, and anonymous online support and counselling.
the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide
As a national charity, they work towards building a society which speaks openly about suicide and has the resources to help young people who may have suicidal thoughts. Call Papyrus on 0800 068 41 41 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org
Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid
Telephone 24hr National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 / 0151 922 8606, Text: 07779 754 594 or email help@swaca.com
Young Minds
Young Minds
Use the Young Minds Text line for free, 24-hour mental health support.

Student Support
From Learning Support to Personal or Financial Support, whatever your need, we have dedicated support teams available to help you.
Sefton Sexual Health Service
We work closely with the team at the Sefton Sexual Health Department who offer a wide range of services and who you can contact should you need to access help or advice.
The Student Hub
Call now
Term time
Monday 8.15am – 5.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.15am- 7.00pm
Friday 8.15am – 4.00pm
Outside Term time
Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm