Battle for the best festive display!

Students and staff from across the college have been competing in a friendly battle to come up with the best departmental Christmas display!

The winner!

Preparations for the sparkling (and light hearted) competition have been going on all around campus for the past few days, as students and staff have risen to the challenge and tried to make their department the most festive in the college.

There were Christmas trees made from piles of books in the Library Study Centre; a wonderful fire place with stockings in our Learning Support Suite; a beautiful purple and gold theme in the University Centre; and an opportunity to take a festive selfie in the glittering Winter Wonderland created by the Marketing Department, to name but a few.

However the first prize without a shadow of a doubt, went to the Childcare and Early Years Department, who themed their whole learning environment on "The Night Before Christmas", even re-writing the poem itself to give it a Southport College Flavour!

Thank you so much to College Governor Dr Margaret Boneham for judging and a massive congratulations to all the Early Years students and staff, it looks stunning and will no doubt give you some great ideas for classroom displays in the schools and nurseries of your future careers!

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Author: Admin