What System Does Your House Have?

What System Does Your House Have?

In all our homes, we are able to open a tap and drink wholesome potable water, but did you know that there are two types of cold water systems used in houses in the UK?

In some houses, you can drink the water out of all the taps, and others you should only drink from the one in the kitchen.

Research the two types of cold water systems and then try to figure out which system you have at home.

Check this out...

Check this out...

Have a look at this link to help you with your challenge.
Cold Water Systems

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

During the course we have several extra curriculum activities to look forward to.

One of these will be an online presentation from a guest speaker entitled "Day in the life of a plumber". and the other is a demonstration by local employer completing a combination boiler decommission and removal, followed by a new boiler installation and commissioning procedure.