Daily Illustration Challenge!

Use these daily prompts and illustrate a relevent image every day for a week. Use whatever materials you want, whether it's paint, Sharpie, crayon, pencil or using an app on a a device, anything goes.

Do bring your creations with you in September if you want to, we'd love to see them.

  • Monday - Natural
  • Tuesday - Man Made
  • Wednesday - Stacked
  • Thursday - Colourful
  • Friday - Patterned
Check this out...

Check this out...

Browse our department's Instagram page and feel inspired for September! What will you create?

Click here to take a look

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

Your course is packed with all sorts of exciting and creative projects. You'll get hands on with our iMac suite, fabulous printing facilities, laser cutter, badge press and create loads of fantastic work for your portfolio.

We're planning to work with a set of real clients where you get to experience what it's like in the real world of graphics work.

You'll also be entering national design competitions such as the D&AD Design Awards and the Penguin Random House Awards.

Keep up to date - follow us on Instagram
