Look at your games with different eyes!

Look at your games with different eyes!

Choose a game to play over the summer, think about the following aspects of the game and why you think the designers choose to make it that way

  • The graphical style
  • The world the game is set in
  • The control scheme
  • The objectives of the game
  • The different environments the characters encounter
  • The graphic design (UI elements; HUD, on screen indicators, etc)
    Makes some notes on your thoughts and we can discuss them in September
Check this out...

Check this out...

Check out these links to give you a real head start. See you in September!

Student Games

Game Development Journals

Image Manipulation - Adobe Photoshop

3D Game Engine - Unity

3D Modelling - Maya

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

Hopefully next year we will get back to normal and be able to do the following

  • Visit the largest retro arcade in Europe, Arcade Club in Bury
  • Have Guest Speakers from the Industry and Local Universities
  • Launch an ESports team

Keep up to date - follow us on Instagram
