Your Town

Your Town

Photography is an important aspect of media. Lighting, framing, tone and narrative are all vital to creating impactful films and photographs - so start honing your skills now!

Using your mobile phone or a DSLR camera, provide a series of 6 images which tell the story of "Your Town."

Your tutors will collate all your chosen images into a mini department exhibition in September.

Check this out...

Check this out...

Get a feel for the work we do by looking at our college instagram, which has over 650 images of student work. Our Instagram

Check out photographer Martin Parr's early work at New Brighton Beach. 'The Last Resort' evokes the resilient spirit of 80s northern England.
The Last Resort

Tom Wood’s "101 Pictures" is a two-decade portrait of Merseyside.
101 Pictures

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

Seeing your work in an exhibition and learning lots of new skills. We can't wait to meet you.

Keep up to date - follow us on Instagram
