If you have any financial concerns or worries about how you will cover the cost of our courses or learning in general, please come and speak to our friendly Student Hub Team.
The team can provide you with the support you need to return to learning, discuss your eligibility for any of the available funds and help you with the process to apply for them..
Contact the Student Hub on 01704 392704 or
email guidance@southport.ac.uk.

Travel Passes
The College offers students who live over 1.0 miles away from College and study a fulltime Further Education course the opportunity to apply for a free travel pass. The passes can be used on Stagecoach, Arriva or Merseyrail networks, however please note that this fund is means tested so you will need to provide information about your current income. The Arriva bus pass can now be used for 7 days per week.
Additional information is available on the application form or through contacting The Student Hub.
Advanced Learner Loans
There is a way to fund your studies with no up-front fees and nothing to repay until you’re earning £25,000 a year. Getting an Advanced Learner Loan doesn’t depend on your income and there are no credit checks.
If you’re going to study on a course at Level 3 or 4 you can now apply for a loan to help with the cost of your course. This is an ideal opportunity for people who have previously been unable to enrol on a course due to upfront costs. And if the loan is for an Access to Higher Education course and you subsequently go on to complete a higher education course, you don’t have to pay the loan back.
To get a loan you must be:
- Aged 19 or older on the first day of your course (there’s no upper age limit)
- Resident in the UK on the first day of your course, and have lived in the UK, the Channel islands or the Isle of Man for 3 years immediately before this
- Starting your course on or after 1 August 2023
- Undertaking an eligible course at Level 3 or above
Repayments start the April after you complete or withdraw from your course. You pay back your loan (plus interest) when you finish your course and earn more than £25,000 a year.
Your repayments will stop if your income drops below £25,000 a year. Your annual repayment amount will be 9% of any income you earn over £25,000.
Your monthly repayments would be:
- £15.00 a month - if you earned £27,000 a year
You can start applying for a loan now.
Care to Learn
Support with Childcare for learners aged under 20 years
Learners under 20 years old can apply through Care to Learn to help support the cost of childcare.
You can get Care to Learn if:
- you’re a parent under 20 at the start of your course
- you’re the main carer for your child
- you live in England
- you’re either a British citizen or have a legal right to live and study in England
- your course qualifies
- your childcare provider qualifies
Childcare for learners aged 20 or over
Learners aged 20 and over with dependent children can apply for support with childcare funding. This fund is means tested and is allocated on a first come first served basis.
Potential students can register their interest by telephoning the Student Hub on 01704 392704 or calling in.
Advanced Learner Loans and Childcare Funding
Learners aged 20 and over with dependent children can apply for childcare funding and this is means tested. However if the learner is on a Level 3 or 4 course that is elegible for an Advanced Learner Loan, this must be applied for and taken.
The Student Hub
Call now
Term Time
Monday - Thursday 8:15am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:15am – 4:00pm
Outside Term Time
Monday to Thursday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm

Learning Support
Learning Support is available for students of all ages with identified needs. Identified students who disclose a support need are individually interviewed to assess their needs and the level/type of support or tutoring required.

Personal Support
If you need support at any point during your time with us you can speak to your tutor or the Student Information Centre team who can refer you to personal support services.

Careers Advice & Guidance
As an adult learner you’ll have access to the careers and university resources in the Study Hub and you can also access course and careers advice and guidance by speaking to our Student Hub team. You tutor will also discuss careers options and applications with you.