About my project
"This project was inspired by my own social life and the different things that I’ve been discovering and experiencing in and around the world of skating. Speaking with many of the other people who are in that scene, I was able to get an idea of the type of imagery and style that would work well with creating my own skate brand.
Initially I was going with a minimalist tattoo art style but after further experimentation, I discovered that it was not something that would work and instead went into the area of psychedelia and psychedelic colours/imagery. This style worked well because it’s vibrant and eye catching which is something that I didn’t see much of with existing brands.
With this project, I was able to push myself to produce outcomes that I otherwise wouldn’t have and make them to a degree of accuracy that I’m really proud of. This is shown in the main logo for my brand which has precise and matching angles to create an aesthetically pleasing piece. I enjoyed creating the outcomes for this project because I was able to have fun with the bright and complimenting colours which made for creative pieces.
I was able to use Photoshop mock-ups to see how my main brand logo would look if it were to be printed and/or embroidered onto clothing which helped me visualise the overall look that I wanted to achieve for my overall project."