English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
If English is not your first language and you’d like to improve, ESOL courses provide you with the essential language skills to use in everyday situations.
ESOL courses
The ESOL courses provide you with the essential skills to use in everyday situations, increasing your vocabulary, improving your grammar and developing your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. If you’re not sure which ESOL course is best for you, why not try our six week short course, which gives you a taster of the full course.
We offer ESOL classes from Levels 1-3 starting in September and then in January so you can progress through each level as your ability and confidence builds.
Careers Advice & Guidance
As an adult learner you’ll have access to the careers and university resources and you can also access course and careers advice and guidance through our Student Information Centre. You tutor will also discuss careers options and applications with you.