Student Governor
A perfect opportunity has arisen for a student to gain experience in educational governance. Whatever you study, the knowledge and skills gained from undertaking a Governor position are excellent for university applications and CVs.
Students may contact their Progress Tutor for more information and can contact Lisa Farnhill to apply.
Become a Governor
At Southport College we have an active board of governors who play an important role in the ongoing development of the College. Governors are from the local and wider community with a range of skills, knowledge and experience to help the College take forward its strategic objectives. We value and promote equality and diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all and, when a vacancy arises, appointments are made on merit, also taking account of the need to fill any identified skills gaps. Any person wishing to become a Governor should write to Lisa Farnhill, Director of Governance and Compliance for further information and an application pack:
Lisa Farnhill Director of Governance and Compliance Southport College Mornington Road Southport PR9 0TT
Meet our Governors

The College’s Governors are led by Chair of the Corporation, Vice Chair and Principal. They are supported by a number of independent governors, staff governors and a parent governor.

Independent Governors
The individuals who serve as independents on the board of governors are from a diverse range of backgrounds and use their skills and experiences to play a vital role in the development of the College.

Staff Governors
Our staff governors use their knowledge of the College, its staff and students to make valuable contributions to College governance and strategy.