
The Aspire course is for learners who are working towards Entry Level 3 and forms part of the Extended Certificate in Further Learning and Employment.

About Aspire

Aspire is a fantastic option for Entry Level Learners and has been designed to help you progress towards the world of work, whilst at the same time helping you become a more independent mature young adult both in learning and life.

All our teachers are friendly, supportive and very experienced. They want you to achieve your very best and will help you every step of the way.

Successful students may be able to progress to a Level 1 course in their chosen vocational area or a supported internship.

Great Range of Topics

The course covers a wide variety of topics including

  • Skills for further learning and employment
  • Enterprise
  • Independence
  • Budgeting and Money Management
  • Health and Fitness
  • Digital Skills and E Safety

Careers Advice & Guidance

If you’re not sure what you want to do after you complete your course, we have resources and staff available to help you explore your options. Through our Student Information Centre, our Progress Tutors and Library Learning Centres students have access to a wide range of careers advice and information as well as assistance with UCAS personal statements, CVs and job applications.

Meet our students

Abbie McGill, Aspire Entry Level 3
Abbie McGill, Aspire Entry Level 3

I chose to come to Southport College as it’s close to my home and when I visited an open evening I really liked it. The Aspire course sounded really good too; I liked that you get to do tasters in lots of different subjects. The course has really improved my confidence and helped me to decide what I want to do in the future. Next year I am staying at Southport College to study Health and Childcare Level 1.

Michael Cherry, Aspire Entry Level 3
Michael Cherry, Aspire Entry Level 3

I’ve enjoyed the Aspire course at Southport College so much. It’s a good stepping stone to help you decide what career course you want to do next and the staff are friendly and helpful. I’ve really enjoyed learning different subjects and taking part in lots of taster sessions. I’ve decided to study Bricklaying next year and would really like to work in the construction industry in the future.